What Is The Neem Plant? 10+Best Medicinal Used of Neem Tree?

Neem is an Evergreen Tree which is found in the Indian subcontinent, like IndiaNepalPakistanBangladeshSri Lanka, and Maldives.  

It is growing in many tropical and semi-tropical regions. It also grows in major islands located in the south part of Iran

The Neem Trees had many Different named such as Azadirachta indica, commonly known as neemIndian lilac or Nim


Neem is many grow from the Seed-link it Required Less Amount of the Water intake. It also Required Minimum amount of fertilizer. You can also grow neem tree in a garden pot because it grow in any size and shape so If you are ready to grow nim plant then firstly you need an neem seed which you have to pot in the garden pot with your normal soil neem plant require normal Ph soil with (7th Ph Level). Plant the seed in the soil as you put seed-link in soil usually 3-4cm deep in soil and give it water about 15-25 Days your plant will grow for details PDF on growing neem at home pdf comment me your mail id below,

What Is The Neem Plant? 100+Best Medicinal Used of Neem Tree?
Neem Tree

The Neem Plant had Parts like bark (Steam), leaves, and Seeds all parts of neem trees are used for medicine purpose the most often parts like root, flower, are majority used for the medicine purposes. 
The Need is the one of the faster growing plant it grows up to height of 15–20 meters (49–66 ft), and rarely 35–40 meters (115–131 ft) in very small amount of time.  

What is neem used for?

Need Trees have many Health benefits such as treating of Malaria, Diabetes, worm’s infection, Cardiovascular problems fungi infection and Skin diseases.


 In some studies, it also shows that the neem leaves are also used in the treatment of the cancer too. Hence in India Neem leaves is as the vegetable the Dish (Sabji) is Souplike in Tamil the Dish is Knows as Veppampoo charu which translated as "neem flower Sabji ").


Which is made from the Flower of the Neem. In Bengal, The Small nim leaves are fried well in oil with tiny pieces of brinjal. This dish (Sabji) is popularly known as neem begun bhaja.

What is the importance of neem tree?

The Nim Tree are mostly use as traditional Indian medicine; hence it has Great amount of anti-desertification properties it-fact the gum of the nim trees is used as the bulking agent for the preparation of some great special dishes.

Medicine used of nim trees?

There are many plants which used for Medicinal purpose like Rosemary, Lavender, Aloe-Vera, Celery, Mint and Neem But in this case nim plant have more health benefits than other herbs.

 Nim Tree for Your Teeth: 

 Neem trees has many medicine properties like its small stem is used for Tooth plaque. In major research studies shows that while applying a neem leaf extract on the teeth or using a neem mouthwash can reduce the amount of tooth infection. It also cures gum disease Most of the research shows that applying a gel containing neem leaf extract can low down the level of the bacterial which causes gum infection, hence it increases the life of the gum.


Neem Tree for your Hair:

 It Seen that applying of a neem extract shampoo to the scalp once completely cures head lice in children and remove Dandruff in Adults.


Insect repellent:

 Early Day Many Insect Repellent company used Chemicals N, N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET) in their Products which causes many health issues in the customers hence due to customer awareness Programs. Now Mostly Company is using Neem extract of neem root or leaf in their product,

Skin Issues: 

 neem leaf is also helping as skin repel black flies. Also, applying of neem oil cream to the skin which protect against many types of skin problems like Scaly, itchy skin.

Its also used in the many bath Soap, Facewash Products Early research suggests that applying Neem extract on skin can Prevent you from many skin infections causes Bacteria.

Stomach Problems:

The taking of neem Juice for 10 weeks which help healing of ulcers in the stomach and intestines it’s also prevents from Worms infection like roundworm, Tapeworm and etc, fungal and bacterial problem which many occurs in the Stomach.

It also has helps in Birth control, Breathing conditions Control Diabetes. Decrease Fever, Decreases Risk of Heart disease. For medicinal uses of neem pdf comment me your mail id below

Did Neem Extract is SAFE for YOU?


  Neem extract is POSSIBLY SAFE for most adults when taken by mouth. Dose will be kept up to 40 to 60 mg daily to 10 weeks have been safe for you.


Neem seeds oil are LIKELY UNSAFE for oral intake in children and in adults. Serious side effects like vomiting, Diarrhea, drowsiness, blood disorders, seizures, loss of consciousness, coma, brain disorders, in infants and small children and in some cases, it causes death. Which can happen within hours.


Used of Neem extract on human being are POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken it on a large dose for A long periods of time. It can harm the kidneys and stomach.


Neem leaf extract gel is POSSIBLY SAFE for you when you applied on the skin.


 Neem extract shampoo is LIKELY SAFE in children And in Adult when applied once or twice on the hair in the Weeks, live it to the head for 10 minutes then rinsed with warm water to get more positive result. 

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Nim extract are LIKELY UNSAFE when taken by oral during pregnancy.

How NEEM Cure YOU?


Neem may can lower your blood sugar levels If you are diabetic and use neem Juice you can observe magical Result in your blood sugar. It might be taking some time but it defiantly works.

Organ transplant: 

There some research which shows that neem can decrease your effectiveness of medications which prevent you from organ rejection. 

(Note. Don’t used neem products if you go under an organ transplant.)



Some observation studies shows that taking eating neem-based product for a longer can KILLS YOUR SPERM and decrease your Sperm count It might also reduce fertility in other ways. If you are trying to have children, avoid using neem.


Neem Tree had Many Health Benefits Hence it is very easy to grow,It a Evergreen Plant.as per my opinion we need to plant more and more nim trees every year it make our planet green and health. in India nim trees are easy to view but in some country it cant be easy to view. Azadirachta indica  farming are helps farmers in nitrogen fixed in Soil and its leaves root and stems provide good income to the framers.

Photo is Shoot on Vivo Y12 Smartphone.

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