Seven Simple (But Important) Things To Remember About Egg Laying Chickens.

Choosing a breed of chicken for eggs isn't that tough of a choice if you recognize what you are looking for. you simply got to ask yourself a couple of easy questions. Do I want white or brown eggs?

Do I want a pet or livestock?

what proportion space do I have? Do I would like to hatch more chickens?

This are few questions we need to ask before laying the chicken for eggs.

 As taking about the breed,

1.       Hybrid / Golden Comet

2.       Rhode Island Red's (RIR's)

3.       Leghorn

4.       Marans

5.       Buff Orpington

This are the Top best Breed of chicken for eggs laying.


Hybrid / Golden Comet

If you're looking to urge the foremost out of your effort, hybrid chickens just like the Golden Comet are specially bred to eat less food and produce more eggs. The comet is not the only hybrid chicken but it's definitely the foremost popular. These hybrid chickens lay about 280 medium sized brown coloured eggs per annum. Hybrids are tough little creatures that are more resilient to infection and disease compared to other chicken breeds. The downside is these birds rarely turn broody so if you are looking to hatch new chickens from the eggs this breed is perhaps not the simplest choice.

Rhode Island Red's (RIR's)

RIR's lay about 250 medium brown eggs per annum. This breed is that the hottest amongst backyard chicken and first-time chicken owners. Reds are referred to as the multi-purpose bird. These birds are known for taking care of themselves. Reds are docile friendly chickens that farmers use for meat and eggs, besides their beautiful colouring, this is often the rationale they're so popular.


Foghorn Leghorn, still a funny cartoon. aside from their brilliant white stance, that cartoon is perhaps the rationale they're still so popular to the present day. many of us believe that Leghorns originated in America, unfortunately, this is often not true. This breed was delivered to the us within the 1800's and has been a well-liked farm bird ever since. Leghorn chickens originated in Italy and lay about 250 medium white eggs per annum. This breed isn't known to be aggressive but Leghorns aren't known to be friendly either. they're a skittish breed that may not very easy to tame due to their shy nature.


The Maran chicken breed is documented for its dark brown eggs and its excellent meat quality. These birds lay about 200 medium sized eggs per annum. Marans require little or no space to roam because they wish to stay on the brink of home. they're known to be very gentle birds but, aren't that easy to tame thanks to their shyness. So, this breed wouldn't make the simplest pet without tons of labour handling and spending time with it. Still, a reasonably bird, an "excellent" egg layer and meat bird. an excellent addition to any farm or flock too!

Buff Orpington


Last but far away from the smallest amount the Buff Orpington breed of chicken. The Orpington are docile birds that make an excellent garden and friendly pets. These birds like to socialize and can hang around with you and eat food from your hand without much effort. Buffs have a thick layer of yellowish golden feathers and lay about 180 regular sized and white eggs a year. This breed is understood for becoming broody and makes an excellent hatching hen. the superb broodiness of this breed is that the reason the buff lays slightly fewer eggs per annum. Actually, this breed is so good at sitting on its eggs, the Buff is usually employed by farms to hatch the eggs of other poultry and fowl, just like the domestic duck, that are terrible eggs hatchers.

But wait this is not over now!

After some times chicken is now able to layer??

Hey this point is important and you need to consider it while layering the loving chicken for taste eggs.

The primary sign of a drag for your hens is once they stop laying eggs.  
When chickens are lacking something, they require egg production is that the very first thing their bodies pack up so as to form up for what it's lacking. Most of the time it's a simple fix Let's take a glance at the common issues and see what it takes to urge the hens become happy again.


Chickens have a lifespan of seven years are in their prime for the primary year or two of them laying eggs, then production rapidly declines until the 4th or 5th year once they usually stop laying altogether. it always best to exchange the laying hen with a replacement one after their 3rd year of laying eggs.


Chickens are creatures of habit, sometimes the slightest change can throw them off. Moving your hens from one location to a different, adding new features or space can stress out your girls. they're going to not start laying again until they feel relaxed and are comfortable again. Even an unclean pen or coop could throw them off, unsanitary conditions are the simplest thanks to for the birds to contract unwanted diseases, especially if the space is just too small

Food / Water:

A dehydrated chicken cannot produce eggs confirm there's always water available for your hens. Using the nipple drinkers help conserve water and keep the coop clean. to supply an egg your hen, need a special diet of calcium and proteins. this sort of feed is named "layer feed" and comes in many various varieties from different feed or pet stores. Chickens will overeat so monitor the feed supported the amount of chickens.



Did the chicken go broody? A brood hen won't lay until she is completed hatching her eggs. the women won't lay once they malt either. Moulting is when the chickens are losing their feather thanks to changes within the weather. it is the same as when a dog shed its fur, except the chicken sheds its feathers. Mites put tons of strain on a hen's body, she is miserable and won't lay for you. an honest sign your chicken is ill or not feeling well is her stance. If she is hunched over rather than standing up and perky, she isn't feeling well and has problems she probably needs help with.


If a chicken is stressed, she won't lay, she must feel comfortable. Too many roosters can easily cause stress on your girls. Is there a predator around, is she fearful? Keep your hen happy safe and fed, and she or he provides you with many eggs to return. Some birds are better layers than others, just like the Orpington Chicken that was bread for max laying capacity.

So, this are few points you need to consider while starting the eggs laying not only for chicken but you can also use this care for all bird who lay the eggs.


The simplest breed of chicken for eggs depends on what your needs are. does one need a broody hen? The Orpington is ideal. The Golden Comet chicken is ideal if you would like tons of eggs with minimal effort and food. Rhode Island Reds if you are looking for a friendly pet. The Maran chicken breed is your choice if you've got limited space. does one need only white eggs? Leghorns produce the simplest quantity of medium sized white eggs. the primary sign of a drag for your hens is once they stop laying eggs. chickens are lacking of less eggs production, to continue the layer we need to calculate the Age has taken care of Habit level of hens, Stress level of chicken, Food / Water level And Health. And finally the Top Best Breed of Chechen for egg laying are Hybrid / Golden Comet, Rhode Island Red's (RIR's),Leghorn,Marans And Buff Orpington

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